Symptoms, causes, and sleeping remedies for insomnia

Symptoms, causes, and sleeping remedies for insomnia

James Brown

Insomnia is a prevalent sleep disorder that can make falling and staying asleep incredibly difficult, causing chronic daytime tiredness and sudden mood changes. Furthermore, it can hamper the patient’s health, sleeping patterns, and quality of life. If one is diagnosed with or suspects it, it is crucial to learn about insomnia in detail and be aware of some sleeping remedies that can be used to get at least 7-8 hours of sleep every night.

Symptoms of insomnia
Generally, the symptoms of insomnia can differ from one person to another. While some can have severe signs and subsequently notice the difficulties, others may fall asleep at night but still not feel refreshed in the morning. Hence, here are some of the most common symptoms of the condition:

Daytime sleepiness and tiredness
Anxiety, depression, and irritability
Difficulties in focusing and remembering things
Gastrointestinal issues

Causes of insomnia
Typically, chronic insomnia is an issue that can develop due to lifestyle changes. This means the following certain factors can contribute to it.

Many times, people go through stressful situations that can affect their health. Moreover, one can have concerns about work, school, and finances that can keep one up at night. In such cases, one must consult a healthcare professional to understand the underlying causes of the issue and try to manage it.

Work schedule or travel
The circadian rhythm, better known as the body clock, guides bodily functions like metabolism, body temperature, and sleep-wake cycles. But when one disrupts this rhythm, it can lead to the development of insomnia. This can be further influenced by jet lag, working a late or early shift, or frequent changes in the work shift timings.

Eating late in the evening
Usually, light snacks can be considered before bedtime. But a heavy meal is a strict no, as it can make one feel uncomfortable while lying down. Besides that, a full stomach can lead to other gastrointestinal problems like backflow of acid to the mouth and heartburn, which can keep one awake.

In addition to the above, chronic insomnia has also been associated with certain health conditions. In such cases, the treatment of the underlying condition can lead to an improvement in sleep.

Treatment and sleeping remedies to consider
At first, most healthcare providers can suggest changes in sleeping habits to the patients. If that doesn’t work, then the professionals may advise other solutions like:

Relaxation techniques
Some techniques like biofeedback, breathing exercises, and progressive relaxation of all the body muscles may reduce stress and anxiety. Additionally, breathing exercises can aid one to control one’s breathing, muscle tension, heart rate, and mood. This can effectively help one relax and gradually fall asleep.

Stimulus control therapy
Patients with chronic insomnia can opt for stimulus control therapy as a treatment alternative. When one tries this method, they may be asked to keep away from factors that can hamper sleep. For instance, if one looks at a backlit electronic device closer to bedtime, the doctor may suggest keeping the device outside the bedroom when trying to sleep.

Avoiding daytime naps
If one develops the habit of daytime naps, it can hinder one’s ability to sleep at night. In such cases, healthcare professionals may advise their patients to avoid taking naps at any time during the day. This can lead to tiredness and good quality sleep at night.

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