Common digestion problems and ways to improve it

Common digestion problems and ways to improve it

Christopher Davis

The digestive system is an intricate body part that starts from the mouth and ends at the rectum. It aids in absorbing vital nutrients from food and is necessary to eliminate waste from the body. You can have problems with digestion due to various internal and external issues. Neglecting the condition may result in chronic or severe illnesses. That said, you can opt for several prescription treatments and home remedies to improve digestive issues.

Common digestion problems

Chronic constipation
It refers to a situation where it gets difficult for you to get the waste off your body. Constipation is when the colon fails to move or pass stool via the digestive tract. It may result in fewer bowel movements, bloating, and abdominal pain.

Food intolerance
It is a common digestive problem wherein your digestive system fails to tolerate some foods. Some common symptoms include vomiting, gas, irritability, heartburn, headache, cramps, bloating, and diarrhea. Celiac disease is a common food intolerance that causes issues when you eat gluten. Hence, individuals must stick to a gluten-free meal to avoid symptoms and damage.

GERD is a common condition wherein the stomach acids travel back into the esophagus and leads to a burning sensation and chest pain, also known as heartburn. While heartburn can have other causes, people with GERD can experience it frequently. Chronic GERD can intervene with your everyday life and damage the esophagus. Common symptoms include dry cough, chest discomfort, swallowing difficulties, and a sour taste in the mouth.

Inflammatory bowel disease
It is a chronic swelling that affects one or more parts of the digestive tract. IBD can be of two types:

Ulcerative colitis, which affects the colon
Crohn’s disease, which affects the entire gastrointestinal tract but mainly the colon and the small intestine

IBD may result in general digestive problems like diarrhea and abdominal pain. Beyond this, it may also inflict symptoms like incomplete bowel movements, fatigue, rectal bleeding, night sweats, and appetite or loss of body mass.

Digestive remedies and ways to improve your digestion process
Here are some helpful remedies to improve the digestion process:

Chew your food
Often overlooked, chewing well is one of the most crucial solutions to your digestion problems. Chewing helps the food digest better as the saliva has enzymes necessary to break down food and streamline digestion.

Increase the stomach acids
Most people with bloating, gas, and heartburn have little stomach acid. Hence, the best remedy is to boost these acids. However, most people take antacids for heartburn, which lowers the stomach acid and amplifies the problem. Your body needs normal stomach acid levels to break down the proteins in the stomach. These acids also kill the pathogenic bacteria that can make you sick. You can increase the stomach acids naturally by drinking a tablespoon of raw apple cider vinegar or lemon water every morning.

Drink more water
Hydration is crucial for your health and digestion. But instead of drinking too much water during meals, try drinking water between meals, as the former can dilute the stomach acids and intervene with digestion fluids.

Add probiotics
Our body needs good bacteria to strengthen the immune system, help with a healing leaky gut, and lower inflammation. So, consider including raw fermented foods like kefir, sauerkraut, or kimchi in your meals. Alternatively, including probiotic supplements can also help.

Get moving
Exercise is beneficial for digestion. Improving muscle tone throughout the abdomen is crucial for facilitating food movement through your digestive tract. Digestion can be enhanced by increasing physical activity, irrespective of any food changes.

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