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7 useful ways to manage chronic pain

7 useful ways to manage chronic pain

Research suggests over 20% of adults nationwide live with chronic pain. It is a kind of pain that lasts a long time, usually over 12 weeks. Such pain can have several underlying causes, including injuries and illnesses. The symptoms may range from excruciating physical pain and mobility issues to mental health issues like anxiety and social isolation. Besides seeking timely professional help, individuals with chronic pain may consider specific lifestyle changes for better symptom management.

Get sufficient sleep
Pain can make it hard for people to maintain a proper sleep schedule. Still, rest is essential for the body to heal and for the treatments to work well. Patients who struggle to sleep may follow healthy practices like staying away from gadgets at bedtime and sleeping in a quiet, dark room. Investing in a comfortable mattress, such as a medium-firm or an air mattress, is also advisable to support the body adequately.

Practice mindfulness
Research studies have demonstrated that meditation can cause the brain to become less sensitive to pain. Therefore, patients may benefit from practicing mindfulness techniques like breathing exercises and meditation. Today, several guided meditation mobile apps are available for free, helping people incorporate these techniques effectively into their busy lives.

Avoid a sedentary lifestyle
Exercise releases endorphins or feel-good hormones, which can help one cope with chronic pain. If pain causes difficulties with movement, one may consider low or moderate-intensity activities like walking, jogging, stretching, and performing yoga exercises. Most importantly, it is patients must avoid being sedentary. One should stretch and walk about every hour during work days.

Manage underlying health issues
Chronic pain management may be difficult for individuals with diabetes, cholesterol, and other underlying lifestyle diseases. Hence, one should consult healthcare experts to find remedies for these issues. For example, persons with chronic pain who have diabetes should control their blood glucose levels while also consulting chronic pain management doctors nearby.

Seek help with household chores
Managing household chores can be a significant challenge for persons with chronic pain. Hiring professionals for activities like cleaning and gardening can help reduce stress, allowing a person to focus on their treatment for chronic pain relief.

Connect with family and friends
Chronic pain can bring several mental health problems, including anxiety, depression, and social isolation. So, patients should connect with their family, friends, neighbors, and others. They can provide practical assistance and be a source of emotional support.

Eat healthy foods
Foods like whole grains, beans, nuts, leafy greens, fatty fish, and fresh fruits can help reduce inflammation and provide chronic pain relief. Patients should opt for meals rich in vital nutrients like healthy carbohydrates, proteins, healthy fats, vitamins, and minerals. Doing so can help the body stay healthy and fight chronic pain symptoms more effectively. On the other hand, red meat and processed, sugary, and deep-fried foods should be avoided as they can increase inflammation and hamper the effectiveness of chronic pain interventions.

If the problem worsens or shows no improvement, one should consult a chronic pain specialist nearby. They can examine the patient and develop a personalized management plan.